Leuenberger+C is a 100% Italian family company with a consolidated international presence.

Our deep roots in tradition, commitment, and shared values are reflected in the attention we dedicate to every aspect of our work, in our constant and direct presence, and in our focus on the excellence of the individual results.

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We are specialised in the design and production of industrial adhesives which are carefully developed for a range of different types of industries and applications .
From our technical laboratory to our production lines, we have invested resources and expertise to develop industrial adhesives able to meet and exceed all expectations.
Leuenberger+C products are technical adhesives which are designed, tested, and highly specific.

Research and Development

Leuenberger+C’s R&D team is made up of highly qualified chemists tasked with identifying and formulating new adhesive technologies and providing tailor-made solutions for specific requirements by developing optimised and customised adhesives.
Passion, care, and respect for the raw materials allow us to transform a simple adhesive into a cutting-edge technological solution.

Granular Hot Melt Adhesives

Pressure-Sensitive Hot Melt Adhesives

Water-Based Adhesives


This focus on the environment is a core aspect in the adhesives industry, and Leuenberger+C’s objective is entirely focused on sustainable product solutions, energy savings and reduced waste, increasing the efficiency of our processes each and every day through concrete measures.

Beside you, everywhere

Write to us or call and we will put you in contact with your nearest Leuenberger+C reseller